Your Resource for Expert Holistic Wellness Coaching and Education
Balancing the demands of life and maintaining health and personal wellness can be challenging! At Perfect Care Match, we understand how important self-care is for all individuals, particularly those caring for others.
Incorporating self-care and a holistic approach to nurturing your health is crucial to your well-being and is one of the most foundational factors to thriving, being at your best, and having the most to give.
We are passionate about holistically improving health, vitality, and well-being through expert Ayurvedic Lifestyle Resources and Coaching Opportunities.
About Ayurveda
Ayurveda, the world’s most comprehensive healing system, has been celebrated and studied for over 5,000 years. This ancient holistic method to better health focuses on the most natural ways to heal and promote wellness, using food, traditional Ayurvedic herbs, meditation, yoga, pranayama breathwork, aromatherapy, and other emotional detoxification methods to maintain the balance of mind, body, and spirit.
Perfect Care Match’s Ayurvedic Program promotes self-care and well-being practices by helping to identify and correct imbalances in life and develop a nurturing daily routine. It also teaches how to release emotions healthily so they don’t build up in one’s physiology. Most importantly, as stress is eliminated, the mind and body can begin to function with maximum effectiveness, creating health, vitality, and happiness.
Coaching builds a solid foundation of physical, mental, and emotional wellness for gaining clarity and focus by removing blockages/distractions.
Get Expert Support to Achieve Your Goals
Enjoy the benefits of our programs offered by a Board-Certified Holistic Health Practitioner with over 28 years of experience helping individuals and groups to correct imbalances, foster nurturing routines, reduce stress, and enhance health, vitality, and happiness.
Approaching your health holistically means nurturing all aspects of oneself – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Each of these areas is interconnected, and neglecting one has a ripple effect on the others. Holistic Self Care fosters a harmonious balance for flourishing health and well-being.
Explore our One-One Personal and Group Coaching Offerings Including:
- Ayurveda Wellness Systems Life and Health Coaching
- Stress Resilience Technique Training and Resources
Holistic Self-Care
Focus Areas to Nurture Your

For Your Body
Nutrition and Healthy Eating
Natural Remedies
Accessing Your Inner Pharmacy
Exercise and Movement
Sleep Hygiene

For Your Mind
Stress and Anxiety Management
Expressing Emotions and Seeking Support
Nurturing Cognitive Health
Stimulating the Mind with Mental Exercises
Promoting Brain Health and Memory
Managing Cognitive Challenges and Changes

For Your Soul and Spirit
Practicing Mindfulness and Meditation
Methods to Inner Peace
Spiritual Well-Being: Finding Inner Peace
Need Help figuring out Where to Start?
Low-Cost Informational Consultations are Available
Our wellness and coaching resources enhance health, vitality, and happiness.
A Personal Life and Wellness Coach
Provides expert guidance and support to help you create the life you want to live.
Begin Your Holistic Health Journey Today!
Lifestyle and Well-Being Consultations
Include Ayurveda body type analysis, well-being assessment, and health goal identification.
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Self-Care Manuals, Books & Workbooks
Sundowning in Elderly Patients: Prevention Tips & Care Strategies for Caregivers
Also known as sundown syndrome, 'sundowning' is a phenomenon where older adults can experience increased disorientation, confusion, agitation, and...
Memory Care Tips for Thanksgiving & the Holiday Season
The holiday season is filled with its own special atmosphere. Caregivers of patients with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia can take steps to...
Looking for Some Holiday Craft Ideas for Memory Care Patients?
Facilitating opportunities for home memory care patients to be engaged and connected through activities that interest and bring joy to them is...
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About Leah Doroch, CHLC, CSMC, RM, CADDCT, Chopra Certified Instructor
Perfect Care Match Founder and CEO, Leah Doroch, is a renowned board-certified holistic health practitioner, hypnotherapist, certified Alzheimer's Disease dementia care trainer, and world-acclaimed expert Deepak Chopra-certified instructor specializing in Ayurveda. With a wealth of experience in stress management, holistic life coaching, and executive coaching, Leah's expertise spans over 28 years. Her dedication to helping individuals achieve health, success, and well-being has made her a trusted resource for those seeking holistic solutions and personal growth.
Leah's unique senior-care-focused blend of skills and experience in holistic health, crisis intervention, and business leadership and development make her an asset to anyone on the path to self-improvement and fulfillment. In addition to expert coaching, Leah is a successful thought leader, keynote speaker, podcaster, and founder of